Step 2: Amenities

Rentals United retrieves also basic information about the property's layout, number and composition of rooms, as well as amenities available at the property.

The property amenities are mapped between Barefoot and Rentals United. However, please note that not all of them can be successfully mapped, as they appear variously for Barefoot and Rentals United. If you want to learn the details of the mapped amenities, it is possible to request a full summary of mappings. In order to do that, contact the Rentals United Support Team.

Rentals United also offers various options to synchronize the amenities from your PMS. For more information, please see PMS Settings.

Number of bedrooms

Number of bedrooms refers to the overall number of rooms intended to sleep.

Number of bedrooms is retrieved with the GetAllPropertiesDetail request. However, this information may be passed GetPropertyAmmenityNameXML.



Number of bathrooms

Number of bathrooms refers to the overall number of bathing rooms with a shower or a bath.

Number of bathrooms is retrieved with the GetAllPropertiesDetail request.



Number of toilets

Number of toilets refers to the overall number of WCs.

If the property has a toilet in Barefoot, then it is indicated as a half value in the feed.



Kitchen (N/A)

This element is not synchronized. In case it is mandatory to connect to some Sales Channels or you want to have this information filled in for your property, switch off the synchronisation of this element and update this information directly in the Rentals United platform. Note that if you switch the synchronisation on again, whatever you have in Rentals United will be overwritten with the data from your PMS again.

Bed types

After being reviewed, bed types are mapped between Barefoot and Rentals United. The Rentals United Onboarding Specialist will map them for you directly in our system. In case you want to update or change the mappings, please contact the Rentals United Support Team.


Bedding composition

Barefoot does not provide a feature to distribute beds across rooms. All beds are placed in the General section.


Amenities distribution across rooms

Barefoot does not provide a feature to distribute amenities across rooms. However, the property layout is preserved when synchronized to Rentals United. All amenities are placed in the General section.

Note: The Bedroom, Bathroom and WC room types are created according to Number of bedrooms, Number of bathrooms and Number of toilets. No other room types are created.