Step 3: Description


Description is the summary of all information about the property that might be useful for the guests. It may be accompanied by translation in different languages. The description text is either generated automatically based on the information provided in the Step 2: Amenities stage or it can be typed manually.

  • If you want to leave the description generated automatically, then, click the Save & Next button

  • If you want to modify the description, introduce the changes and only then click the Save & Next button.

Tip: If you have optional fees at your property, you may provide information on them in the description.

Additional descriptions

You can place a few more additional descriptions of your property, for example what makes it unique. Use this option to share the details to better describe your property to your guests, Also, include some intricacies about the property to build a unique atmosphere around it and provide your guests with the best experience from the very first sight. These fields are not mandatory .

Rentals United Rentals United API Comment
Description Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/Text Main property description
Space Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/Space Additional information about the property space - what makes it unique and how many people it comfortably fits
Access Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/Access Additional information about the access to the property - what parts of the space the guests will be able to access
Interaction Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/Interaction Additional information about the interaction with the host - how much the host will interact with the guests and if the host will be present during the guest stay
Neighborhood Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/Neighborhood Additional information about the property neighborhood - what can be found in the neighbourhood and the surrounding region as well as suggestions about places to visit and unique experiences
Notes Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/Notes Additional notes
House Rules Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/HouseRules Additional information about the house rules - instructions for guests on how to behave at the property. It should also include information whether pets are allowed and if there are rules about smoking
Headline Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/Headline Additional information about the property headline
Why purchased Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/WhyPurchased Additional information about why the property was purchased
Owner listing story Push_PutProperty_RQ/Property/Descriptions/Description/OwnerListingStory Additional information about the property story, for example how the owner came to own the property and what makes it so special to the owner


It is also possible to provide translation to all property descriptions in multiple languages.

  1. Click the Add language button.

  2. Select the language from the dropdown list.

    • If you want to type original text, click the Add language button. The description field will be cleared.

    • If you want to make a translation using Google Translator, click the Make Google translation button.

      Note: For the translation feature to work properly, the description field has to contain some text. If the description field is empty, the feature will not work.
  3. After all descriptions are inserted, click the Save & Next button.