Create an offline booking

Offline booking may be made by a phone call or at the reception desk of your property. You should insert this booking into Rentals United, so that you keep all your booking organised in one place and availability is blocked in the sales channels.

  1. Go to the Guest Planner tab in the main menu.

  2. Guest Planner opens and you can see all the bookings for all the properties.

  3. Add a new booking by clicking the plus button.

  4. Enter the guest details and click the Start guest journey button.

  5. The Booking details page for your new reservation is opened and displays a short summary. If you leave the reservation as it is now, you will find it in the Request status. You can see that in the top bar. It is also indicated by the blue frame under the booking details header.

  6. Click the Edit booking button in the top bar. You will notice that the Booking details slightly changed. You can provide additional guest details, if needed. Click the Assign first property button to select a property when your guests will stay at.

  7. The Property information section is opened. Fill in the details of the property your guest will be staying at. Select the property from the dropdown list, select the dates and provide the number of guests. The reservation price will be calculated based on the property prices introduced in Step 5: Price and availability.

  8. Go to the Payments section and provide the guest credit card details. For more information, please see Payments.

  9. Once you introduced any changes, the saving button on the top changed from greyed-out to active. Click the Save changes button.

  10. In order to confirm the reservation, select the Confirmed status from the dropdown list. Save changes.