Big Card
Big Card is the booking details page. It includes the booking details, such as the channel the booking comes from, exact time when it was created as well as reservation ID.
Go to Guest Planner.
You are redirected to Big Card.
Select a booking and click on it.
Reservation status
Above the Booking details section, you can see a top bar with the reservation status. Depending on the current booking status, the top bar contains available actions that can be made to this booking (e.g. cancel a reservation, confirm or cancel a reservation request etc.). You can read more about statuses here.
Booking actions
In Big Card you can not only view the booking's details, but you can also perform booking-related actions.
Edit or cancel the booking: here
Report guest misconduct: here
Report guest no-show: here
Report stay change: here
Report invalid credit card - here
Property information
With property details you can check the details related to the property and the booking:
check-in and check-out times for your guests
property exact name and the property ID
number of guests included in this reservation
detailed summary of the reservation price components - Reservation price breakdown.
The Comments section contains information received from the channel. Usually, you can find there a reservation summary provided by the channel or the guest's special requests.
Guest Communication
Guest Communication is a messaging feature dedicated for clients who would like to quickly and easily communicate with their potential and confirmed clients. With the use of this feature, you will be able to quickly confirm the guest's preferences, answer their questions or advice on the surroundings or attractions nearby - without constant switching between the Rentals United dashboard and your inbox or mobile. Also, you will no longer have to worry about messages left unanswered or lost, as the Guest Communication provides you with the chat history and clear notification system. It is also possible to use the Guest Reviews feature and read your guests' reviews as well as respond to them.
For more information, please see Guest Communication.
When it comes to charging the guest, there are few ways sales channels operate.
sales channel charges the guest and pays you out
sales channel collects the credit card details and you charge the guest
sales channel charges the guest and provides you a virtual card detail and you charge the channel
in rare cases, you can charge the guest in cash upon arrival
Depending on your contract with the channel, credit card details will be displayed in Rentals United or not. If credit card details are not displayed, you can always contact the sales channel support and clarify what the payment process is for you. Read here for details.