Reservation processing

Instant booking process inserts reservations in Rentals United using the data available in the channel. does not perform the quote request to Rentals United before the reservation is inserted.

  1. A guest enters the reservation page on the website and provides the details of a reservation (dates, number of guests etc.).

  2. If the property is available to rent, the guest completes the reservation process on the website by providing their personal data.

  3. inserts a booking to Rentals United.

    When there are several Rentals United properties connected to an HRS room type (Rentals United hotel or group), reservations will be assigned to a property depending on their moves configuration. If you are unsure about the moves configuration of your HRS room types in Rentals United, please see Moves algorithm.

  4. An email notification with new reservation details is sent to the PM’s confirmation email address.


Rentals United allows you to set the booking policy for your listings. You can select the booking mode for each individual hotel upon pushing it to You can choose between Instant book and Request to book. The step-by-step instructions are here. Request-to-book flow is offered globally by .

When the booking mode is set to Request to book, no instant bookings are possible. The guest will see the Request to book option in After they book your property via Request to book, you will receive a booking request in Rentals United (it will be marked in a blue colour). This booking will not block your calendar’s availability yet. You have 24 hours to confirm or decline a booking request. You can use this time for the guest verification purposes, for example.

Booking requests can be confirmed or declined in the Rentals United platform and via API. You can see the step-by-step instructions on how to confirm and decline requests via API here.

Confirm a request

  1. Open Guest Planner and find the request you wish to confirm. Requests have a blue label and are in the Request status. requests do not include guest details. This is due to the policy to avoid bookings made outside the platform. Instead, in the reservation comments they provide additional details, which may help you verify the guest, such as time the guest joined or whether it is a verified user. Reservation comments include important information about the reservation status and actions taken.

  2. Click the Accept this request button. The status changes now to Approved.

  3. Wait for the guest's action. The guest has 24 hours to confirm the booking.

    • If the guest completes the booking within the indicated time, the request will become a Confirmed reservation.

    • If the guest does not complete the booking process, the request will change its status to Expired after the indicated time passes.

    Note: Requests to book from additionally have an expiry date on top of the comments section. It means the request cannot be confirmed or rejected after the indicated time passes.

Reject a request

  1. Open Guest Planner and find the request you wish to confirm. Requests have a blue label and are in the Request status.

  2. Click the Reject this request button.

  3. A pop-up displays. From the dropdown, select the reason for rejection. In some cases, you need to provide an additional explanation. Confirm by clicking Reject this request.

  4. The request will change its status to Rejected.

Inserting reservation manually

It is always possible to insert reservation manually in Rentals United Guest Planner or from the Bookings tab. In such a case, the availability is blocked and the channel is updated.

Note: will not have access to the details of any reservation inserted manually.

Reservation details

When a reservation is received, provides us with the standard guest personal data (name, surname, phone number etc.) and booking details (property name, number of guests, date, price). Some channels also include additional information. All these details can be accessed in Guest Planner > Big Card or via API methods used to retrieve reservations, for example Pull_ListReservations_RQ.

Item More info Example
Guest details
  • Guest name and surname

  • the 'Genius' badge displayed next to the guest name - information if the guest has the 'Genius' status in

  • Email

  • Mobile

  • Guests - hover over the tooltip and get access to additional information

    • Number of guests in one reservation (total)

    • Number of adults

    • Number and age of children

    • Number of guests on one property

  • Company name

  • Address

  • Postal code

  • City

  • State

  • Country

  • Language

  • Booking note - guest remarks / notes including e.g. special requests

Booking details
  • Reservation ID

  • ID

  • Credit card details - see here

  • Creation date

  • Modification date

Property details
  • Check-in and check-out details

  • Property name and ID in Rentals United

  • Room type in

  • Guests - maximum number of guests that can be accommodated

  • Property location

Rate details according to
  • Guest name

  • Hotel name and ID

  • Room name and ID

  • Rate name and ID

  • Meal plan

  • Cancellation policy

  • Services - information about the services available at the property, e.g. free airport shuttle

  • Smoking - information whether smoking is allowed or not

  • Remarks - additional comments / notes provided by the guest

If any of the above information is not available, it means does not provide it for this reservation. It will not be displayed in the reservation.

Channel breakdown according to provides the final reservation price breakdown. Whenever available, it should be used instead of the Rentals United breakdown.

  • Total and daily breakdown of rent, fees and taxes

  • Guest price - the total price booked by the guest

  • Price to you - the amount that you will receive for this reservation

  • Already paid - the amount of the booking that has been already paid

  • Unpaid - the remaining amount of the booking to be paid by the guest

  • Channel commission

  • the 'Genius' badge displayed in the reservation price breakdown - information if the 'Genius' discount was applied and which dates have this discount included

You should follow this breakdown to access the final and most reliable information about your reservation costs.

Channel breakdown according to Rentals United

Rentals United also provides a reservation breakdown. This breakdown follows your set-up in Rentals United. It may slightly differ from the channel breakdown due to the following reasons:

  • Rentals United breakdown does not include the mark-up value

  • Rentals United breakdown deducts the items in a specific order. Then, the received price is the rent value. The rent value is then divided by the number of booked nights. So it may happen that the rent value is different from the actual rent.

  • The channel may apply additional costs to the reservations (e.g. additional fee)

  • Some fees and taxes amounts may be added together due to mappings Rentals United fees and taxes the same item on the channel side

  • The channel may charge the commission from the provided prices

You should use it only to verify your reservation costs set up in Rentals United.

    • Total and daily breakdown of rent, fees and taxes

  • Payments shares information on the payment, e.g. if the provided card is a virtual credit card (VCC), the amount available and the date when the card gets active and can be charged. You can see this information in the comments section of the reservation.
    Comments Comments include additional information coming from This information is presented as received from and unedited. Mostly it is a descriptive explanation of all the booking details already presented in the dedicated fields.

    Importing bookings

    In case you worked with and received bookings prior to connecting to it via Rentals United, it is possible to import them into Rentals United to ensure all information is in one place.

    Note: Only bookings held for future Rentals United will be imported. Note that this feature will only copy your bookings from to . In case of modifications or cancellations of the copied bookings, the same rules as for other bookings apply.

    If you have existing bookings in Rentals United, we will update them in Rentals United with the information from

    Bear in mind that this is a one-time action that is supposed to import bookings which were created before you have started using Rentals United or connected to Any new bookings will be automatically created in , without any need to manually import them.

    1. In Rentals United platform, go to the Services tab.

    2. Select the proper list to search for

      • Find Services lists the channels you are not yet connected to,

      • My Services lists the channels which you have already established connection with and channels that are in the process of being connected.

    3. Type the name in the search box or scroll down through the list of available channels.

    4. Unfold the section by clicking the Down arrow button.

    5. Click the Property Settings button.

    1. Find the hotel you would like to import bookings for. Hover the mouse over the three-dot menu on the account level. Click Import bookings.

      Note: You can import bookings for the whole hotel only. This means it will import bookings from all listings added to one hotel. If you have more hotels, you need to repeat it for each of them.
    2. Confirmation pop-up is displayed. Click Proceed & Import to continue.

    3. The process is initialized. Do not exit the page until it is finished. Depending on the number of bookings you have in your account, it may take a while to complete. Once the bookings import is complete, the page will reload. Please, verify if new bookings were successfully copied to Rentals United. You can do it directly through Guest Planner. If the process was not successful, you will see an error. In this case, try again. If the error persists, please contact the Rentals United Support Team.

      Note: If some of your seasons are blocked in Rentals United and you import bookings, these imported bookings will be placed within the blocked periods anyway. They may show up as overbookings. This is only a visual issue and there's nothing to worry about.

    For reservations that were created in before the hotel was connected to Quick Connect, it is only possible to get the following data from

    • rent price

    • dates

    • guest name

    • meal plan

    Especially, it is not possible to get additional information:

    • detailed price breakdown

    • payment info (e.g. card number)

    • special requests (information about children)

    • guest contact details

    • commission

    Note: Additional information may eventually become available in Rentals United for an imported reservation. It may happen after you import the reservation to Rentals United and modify it in Then, Rentals United may eventually get some or all of the additional data for your imported reservation. Nevertheless, it does not mean we can get it for all reservations.

    Modifying a reservation to Rentals United

    Modifications initiated in and synchronised to Rentals United in real time.

    Rentals United to

    Modifications made in Rentals United are synchronised to on some limitations:

    • When modifying the reservation via the Report stay change flow, the changes will be synchronised to

    • When modifying the reservation in Big Card / Edit bookings, the changes will not be synchronised with

    Cancelling a reservation to Rentals United

    Cancellations initiated in and synchronised to Rentals United in real time. Ifyou need to cancel a reservation, please do it directly in the extranet or reach out to your contact directly.

    Rentals United to

    Cancellations made in Rentals United are synchronised to on some limitations:

    • When cancelling the reservation via the Report no-show flow, the booking will be cancelled in

    • It is not possible to cancel the reservation Big Card / Edit bookings.